Why Cats Sleep So Much: A Funny Guide for Curious Cat Owners

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Cats sleep for 12 to 16 hours a day. That’s more than half of their lives!


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For those in a hurry

  • Cats sleep for 12 to 16 hours a day, sometimes more.
  • They sleep in short naps throughout the day and night, with peaks of activity at dawn and dusk.
  • They sleep to conserve energy, stay alert, and follow their natural hunting instincts.
  • They dream during REM sleep and may twitch or act out their dreams.
  • Some cats snore, especially flat-faced breeds.

Cats: The long nap

If you have a cat, you know how much they love to sleep. Cats can snooze anywhere, anytime, and in any position. They can sleep on your bed, on your couch, on your lap, on your keyboard, or even on your head. But why do cats sleep so much? Are they lazy or bored? Do they have a secret nightlife? Here are some facts and funnies about your cat’s sleeping habits.

The cat nap

Cats don’t sleep in one long stretch like humans do. They have a polyphasic sleep pattern, which means they sleep multiple times each day. These cat naps can last from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the time of day and the cat’s mood. Cats are most active at dawn and dusk, when their prey is more likely to be out. This is why your cat may wake you up early in the morning or pounce on you in the evening. They are following their natural hunting instincts.

Cats: The power nap

Cats sleep to conserve energy and stay alert. They are predators by nature, and they need to be ready to chase or fight at any moment. Even if your cat lives indoors and gets regular meals, they still have the urge to hunt and play. Sleeping helps them store up energy for their bursts of activity. Sleeping also helps them cope with stress and boredom. If your cat is sleeping more than usual, it may be a sign that they need more stimulation or attention.

Cats: The dream nap

Cats experience both non-REM and REM sleep, just like humans. REM stands for rapid eye movement, and it’s the stage of sleep when we dream. You can tell when your cat is in REM sleep by looking at their eyes. They may move behind closed eyelids, or even open slightly. You may also see your cat twitch or go limp during REM sleep. This is because they are dreaming and acting out their dreams. Your cat may dream about chasing mice, birds, or bugs, or about cuddling with you.

The cat snore nap

Some cats snore when they sleep, especially flat-faced breeds like Persians and Himalayans. Snoring is caused by a partial obstruction of the airway, which can happen when your cat sleeps in certain positions or has respiratory issues. Snoring is usually harmless, but it can also be a sign of an infection, allergy, or polyp. If your cat snores loudly or frequently, or if they show other signs of breathing difficulty, you should consult your vet.


Now you know why cats sleep so much and what happens when they do. Cats are amazing creatures with unique sleeping patterns and behaviors. They may seem lazy or indifferent at times, but they are actually very smart and adaptable. They sleep to survive and thrive in their environment. And sometimes, they just sleep because it’s cozy and comfortable.