How Ants Can Lift 20 Times Their Body Weight

The secret behind the superpower of ants
Ants can lift 20 times their body weight.


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For Those in a Hurry

Ants are amazing creatures that can lift 20 times their body weight. This means that an ant that weighs as much as a grain of rice can carry a grape. How do they do it? They have strong muscles, a sturdy exoskeleton, and a clever way of distributing their weight. Read on to find out more about these super-strong insects.

Their Anatomy

Ants have three main body parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The head contains the brain, the eyes, and the mouthparts. The thorax is where the six legs and the wings (if present) are attached. The abdomen contains the digestive system and the reproductive organs.

Ants have muscles that contract and relax to move their body parts. They also have an exoskeleton, which is a hard outer covering that protects their internal organs and provides support. The exoskeleton is made of chitin, a tough material that is also found in the shells of crabs and lobsters.

Ant Strength

Ants can lift 20 times their body weight because they have a high muscle-to-body ratio. This means that they have more muscle mass relative to their body size than larger animals. For example, a human has about 40% of muscle mass, while an ant has about 60%. This gives ants more power to lift heavy objects.

Another factor that helps ants lift 20 times their body weight is their small size. Because they are so tiny, they have less weight to support and less gravity to overcome. They also have less air resistance and friction to slow them down.

Their Technique

Ants can lift 20 times their body weight because they have a smart way of distributing their weight. When they carry an object, they use their front legs to grip it and their middle and hind legs to balance it. They also adjust their posture and angle to avoid tipping over or falling off.

Ants can also work together to carry larger objects that are too heavy for one ant. They form chains or clusters of ants that coordinate their movements and share the load. They communicate with each other using chemical signals called pheromones.


Ants are incredible animals that can lift 20 times their body weight. They have strong muscles, a sturdy exoskeleton, and a clever way of distributing their weight. They also cooperate with each other to carry bigger loads. Ants are truly nature’s weightlifters.