10 Unbelievable Tech Inventions You Didn’t Know Existed

10 Unbelievable Tech Inventions You Didn't Know Existed 1
10 Unbelievable Tech Inventions You Didn’t Know Existed


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A wearable device that lets you control your dreams

A wearable device that lets you control your dreams
A wearable device that lets you control your dreams

Have you ever wanted to control your dreams? Now you can with a wearable device called DreamOn. This device is worn on your wrist like a watch. It monitors your sleep patterns and plays soothing sounds when you enter the REM stage. These sounds help you shape your dreams according to your preferences. You can choose from different themes such as adventure, romance, or relaxation. DreamOn lets you experience your fantasies every night.

A smart ring that can unlock any door

A smart ring that can unlock any door
A smart ring that can unlock any door

Imagine wearing a ring that can unlock any door. Sounds like magic, right? Well, it’s actually a real invention. A smart ring called Token is designed to replace your keys, cards and passwords. It uses biometric authentication and NFC technology to communicate with compatible devices. You can use it to open your car, your house, your office and more. All you need to do is tap the ring on the lock and voila! You’re in. Token is one of the most unbelievable tech inventions you didn’t know existed.

A holographic keyboard that projects on any surface

A holographic keyboard that projects on any surface
A holographic keyboard that projects on any surface

Imagine typing on a virtual keyboard that appears on your desk. That’s what a holographic keyboard can do. It projects a full-sized QWERTY keyboard on any flat surface. You can use it with your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. The device is small and portable. It connects via Bluetooth or USB. A holographic keyboard is a great gadget for travelers and tech enthusiasts.

A flying car that runs on solar power

A flying car that runs on solar power
A flying car that runs on solar power

Imagine driving a car that can fly and use sunlight as fuel. Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, not anymore. A company called SkyDrive has developed a flying car that runs on solar power. The car can take off and land vertically, like a helicopter. It can also fly up to 100 km/h and 500 meters above the ground. The car has four propellers and a battery that solar panels can charge. The company hopes to make the car available for public use by 2025.

A brain-computer interface that lets you communicate telepathically

A brain computer interface that lets you communicate telepathically
A brain computer interface that lets you communicate telepathically

Imagine talking to someone without words. A brain-computer interface can make it possible. This device connects your brain to a computer. It reads your thoughts and sends them to another person. The other person can also reply telepathically. This technology is still experimental, but it has great potential. It could help people who cannot speak or hear. It could also create new forms of communication and entertainment.

A robotic dog that can learn new tricks

A robotic dog that can learn new tricks
A robotic dog that can learn new tricks

Imagine having a pet that never gets old, sick or hungry. A pet that can follow your commands and even learn new skills. That’s what a robotic dog can do for you. A robotic dog is a machine that looks and acts like a real dog. It has sensors, motors and software that allow it to move, see, hear and interact with its environment. Some robotic dogs can even learn from their experiences and improve their performance over time. For example, they can recognize their owner’s voice, respond to different commands and play fetch with a ball. A robotic dog is not just a toy, but a smart companion that can entertain you and make you happy.

A 3D printer that can print food

A 3D printer that can print food
A 3D printer that can print food

Imagine printing your own food at home. Sounds impossible, right? Well, not anymore. A 3D printer that can print food is now a reality. This amazing device can create edible objects from various ingredients. You can choose from different shapes, flavors and textures. All you need is a recipe and some food capsules. The printer does the rest. It’s like having a personal chef in your kitchen.

A nanosuit that can make you invisible

A nanosuit that can make you invisible
A nanosuit that can make you invisible

Imagine a suit that can make you invisible. Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, not anymore. Scientists have developed a nanosuit that can bend light around your body. This way, you become invisible to the naked eye. The nanosuit is made of tiny particles called metamaterials. They have special properties that can manipulate electromagnetic waves. The nanosuit is still in its early stages of development. However, it could have many applications in the future. For example, it could be used for stealth, camouflage, or entertainment.

A virtual reality headset that simulates any environment

A virtual reality headset that simulates any environment
A virtual reality headset that simulates any environment

Imagine being able to visit any place in the world without leaving your home. That’s what a virtual reality headset can do for you. It simulates any environment you want with realistic graphics and sounds. You can explore exotic locations, play immersive games, or relax in nature. All you need is the headset and a compatible device.

A self-healing material that can repair itself

A self healing material that can repair itself
A self healing material that can repair itself

Imagine a material that can heal itself like a living organism. Sounds unbelievable, right? But it’s true. Scientists have developed a self-healing material that can repair itself when damaged. How does it work? The material is made of tiny capsules filled with liquid. When the material is cracked, the capsules break and release the liquid. The liquid then hardens and fills the gap. This way, the material can restore its strength and function. Isn’t that amazing?